Saturday, June 30, 2007

Leaving Town

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Well, my dad and my step mom are on the their way back home. Flying high in the sky. It was a good visit all and all. Didn't get too stressed over it. Ellie really took a liking to my step-mom which surprised me since she really likes the men. I hope that they have a good flight ahead of them and a comfortable long drive home once they reach their destination.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Dad's In Town

My Dad and Step-mom are in town visiting for a week. It is nice they are staying with my uncle. I love my Dad dearly but he can be challenging for me. He has a big issue about weight... always has... and always will.

I remember being in 1st grade or was it 2nd grade and my dad's old girlfriend said that it look like I lost some weight and I was made to tell her thank you which infuriated me. I also remember another one of my Dad's girlfriends, Cindy (Hershal and I loved her), after having kids packed on a few pounds and Dad telling my brother and I, "Aren't you glad Cindy and I didn't stay together because he has gotten fat" It was ingrained to me in a early age. Now, I have a major weight problem and have went the opposite way he wanted me to.

Monday, Hayden was playing with Grandpa and talking about how he was swimming all last week and my dad made the comment of did anybody say they saw Shamu in the water. That sent my blood a boiling. I was good and just calmly stated that he is too young to understand the fat jokes. He then did some backpedaling and was trying to play it off that he was calling him a killer whale because he was fierce. I know the true intention of the comment. Hayden is overweight but not extremely. He has gotten several inches taller since last year and has only gained a pound. I think that is an accomplishment. Last year when my dad was visiting, while we were still in the airport after he arrived, not even 10 minutes since he got off the plane he said, "Looks like Hayden is getting a belly" But it is not just him that has a issue it is all of his siblings too, except for Harold. Which is probably why I feel most comfortable around him.

Why can't we just accept people for who they are. Don't they realized the fat comments hurt and that it does more harm than good. Yes, I am obese. I know that. You telling me isn't going to change that. I know that I need to lose weight for myself, my health, and my family. I get that. I don't like looking in peoples eyes, especially if their my family's, and see them judging me. I am still the same Elysha. I am here. Why can't you see me? Why do I need to thin to feel like I am accepted by my own family.

Monday, June 18, 2007


My baby sister has graduated! I can't believe it. Now, I am the only one of the four siblings that doesn't have a Bachelor's degree. Even my sibling's spouses have AT LEAST a Bachelor's degree. Now my lil' sis has to get ready to pack and move yourself to Colorado, do last minute things for her wedding, start her new job in CO, and work on her Doctorate degree. So much going on... so little time.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Being Silly

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Sometimes you need to let out the silly side of you because life can be too much. Obviously today, the kids thought that they needed to be silly and I didn't mind. Ellie is the one that took Hayden's picture above. She did a good job. I can't curl my tongue like that.

Ellie was being cute and I wanted to take a picture but this is what I got. Her version of sticking out her tongue, little stinker.

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Ellie also loves her toes to be painted. They were purple, but she wanted to change them to pink. She loves her "pretty toes"

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Ellie is with her Dad for the weekend and Hayden and I are heading up to see Aunt Jessica graduate with her Bachelor's degree. It should be exciting. But I think Hayden is more excited to play on his Uncle Michael's Xbox 360 and have him kick my butt on guitar hero. Gotto love boys. I am so glad that I have one of each. They are a blessing.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

He is a Bear!

Hayden graduated from Wolf cub scout to Bear cub scout. New book. New Activities and a very excited son. Only three more years and then he will be in Boy Scouts. His other favorite love.... BASEBALL
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Baseball season is over and cub scouts is taking a break for the summer too. We are going to keep active though. I am planning hikes and visits to the park and maybe even a trip to a couple of historic sites.
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And I am trying to get my other little monster potty trained. She will sit on the potty... just won't pee or poo in it. grrrrr