Hayden wanted to ride his scooter around the block and Ellie wanted to ride her bike. So off we went.
It was a beautiful day and Ellie was doing a good job pedaling. The best I have seen her do!
She was even doing a good job going down the hill. I walked in front of her and stopped her a few times so that she didn't get too much momentum going. Once at the bottom of the hill she turn sharply at the same time I was giving her a nudge and she fell off. She got a little scrap but no blood. After that she didn't want to get on her bike at all. I carried it up the hill but felt that she should get on her bike and ride the straight-away to the house. She threw a TANTRUM. She was trying to convince me to carry the bike. I stood my ground and told her that she had to take her bike home. eventually I got her to get back on the bike...
...much to her disliking
The little jaunt that should of took us 2 minutes tops took us 15 minutes! But I didn't give in... and for that reason, I am proud. :-D