I love this one of me and my siblings. Aren't we a good lookin' bunch?!?
Ellie looks so sweet in this pic. But we all know the true Ellie! hahaha
Here is Hayden. He is head of the elementary maffia. hehehe
Then there is me. enough said on that.
Side note: School starts on Monday! Woohoo!!!
1 comment:
Thanks for the prayers on the house selling, we really appreciate it! And I love that siblings picture too--it's one of my favorites! Hope we get all of them from Jim soon :) I didn't get any pictures will just me and Ellie though :( The photography stuff was a little unorganized I guess, but there's some super cute ones with Hayden :) I like that one of Ellie, did you take it? There's so many on the website I don't remember! She looks a lot like her Mommy in that one! Are you getting butterflies over school starting?
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