Monday, June 23, 2008


I had family pictures done at Sears about a month ago and we had a blast. Ellie enjoyed it most of all which you will be able to tell my the following pics. I bought the rights to reproduce the pics so the distant relatives can copy and print the them.

What a cute family pic

Ellie loved doing this one

Aren't they sweet looking

He's growing up so fast

My little princess


Jessica said...

Oh my gosh that is so incredibly cute! I was screaming with excitement! As I looked at the pictures I told Matthew I wondered if I gave you a million dollars if I could have copies of ALL of them haha. They are SO great! I am so happy you bought the rights! They are so beautiful! And Ellie looks so TALL! Oh my gosh I miss you all so much! I'm meeting with my clinical advisor on Monday to talk about clinical opportunities in Vancouver or that general area for January. MWAH! (could I use any more exclamation marks?)

Edward Charles said...

You are so adorable! We are excited about you guys coming! Hope we get a picture! Love Lysh's new hair do! Can't wait to see you soon.