The kids came home from a weekend with Cliff's and after 20 minutes of transition time they were both back to their normal selves and wanted to bake a dessert. At first they wanted to look through the cookbook to find something but I stated we didn't have time to go to the grocery store, bake the dessert, eat it and get in bed by 8 pm. I looked on the back of the Hershey's cocoa can and discovered that we had all the ingredients for their Hershey's 'perfectly chocolate' chocolate cake.
Ellie was a big help during the baking process although she did spill milk over the counter and floor. Hahaha. That's all part of baking, right? ;-)
Seven Months and Eight Months
10 years ago
that pic reminded me that up through high school whenever I baked something dad made me tie my hair back because he was sure it would get caught in the beaters and lead to some catastrophic event! lol. And forget wiping off a taste of batter from the beater. You'll lose an arm!!!
Oh my gosh I remember that too! ha ha
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