The kids are loving the snow. As Ellie put it, "Mom, I am going to stay out here forever". Snow pants are the best invention. I don't remember having snow pants when I played in the snow. I would play until it got too cold and then would come inside and strip and couldn't got back out and play unless I wanted to put the cold, wet clothes back on again. Ellie and Hayden don't know how lucky they are. Ha!

I have plenty of snow angels in my yard ;-)

Ellie was trying to bury her brother and since I was shoveling the driveway...

... I thought I would help

Ellie taking a rest on her snow couch

snowflakes on eyelashes

Ellie has the most cheesiest grin and I try to get to say something so that it doesn't look so forced... this picture she is saying "macaroni and cheese"

Hayden doing yet another snow angel. My yard is blessed
I have plenty of snow angels in my yard ;-)
Ellie was trying to bury her brother and since I was shoveling the driveway...
... I thought I would help
Ellie taking a rest on her snow couch
snowflakes on eyelashes
Ellie has the most cheesiest grin and I try to get to say something so that it doesn't look so forced... this picture she is saying "macaroni and cheese"
Hayden doing yet another snow angel. My yard is blessed
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