Monday, January 28, 2008

Playing in the Snow

It was a crazy weekend of weather. Saturday it was freezing rain and Sunday it snowed from 5 am until about 7:30 pm. We received more than 8 inches of snow. Monday school was canceled for Hayden and I and it would only be fitting if we went out and played in it. :-)

Ellie was the first one to trample in the untouched snow in the yard and Hayden was chasing her and fell.

Poor baby...... hahaha... it was cold!

Ellie loved making boot prints in the snow. That is pure joy in her face.

You can't play in the snow without making a snow angel. Do you see Ellie on the side. She sees Hayden is in a weak position and is going in for the kill with that snowball. hehehe

She can't do just one. She is going to take advantage of the situation.

This is to show the hard work that I did shoveling the whole driveway myself. Talk about a workout.

This is our snowman. Well, I should say it is mine since the kids didn't want to help... they just wanted to play.

I wanted a picture of Ellie and Hayden next to the snowman but Hayden already went inside and took his wet clothes off. So, I made Ellie stand next the snowman and she was not happy. What a mean mother I am. ;-)

Sunday, January 13, 2008

School = No Blogging

Well, I see there is a direct correlation between school starting up and the amount of blogs that are posted. hehehe. This quarter is going well. Organic chemistry doesn't seem like it is going to be too hard. A lot different then Inorganic. Anatomy and Physiology II is going pretty darn good. Had a test on Monday in which I had to write the pathways of Glycolysis, gluconeogenesis, glycogenesis, glycogenolysis, Krebs, and lactate fermentation. Instructor gave us several blank pieces paper to draw them out. Luckily we didn't have to put the enzymes that were active for each step. We have a test tomorrow on metabolism and intercellular messengers. Oh how fun!

Hayden started basketball practice this past week. He is not a very coordinated boy but he sure was having fun. They were doing warm-up exercises and the other boys are grunting and complaining on hard it was.... Hayden has a grin my ear to ear. He thought it was great. By the second practice he was doing a better job at lay-ups. He wants to try every sport (except for tackle-football) but I worry about him being teased because he is not the best player. I am trying to make sure that this is a positive experience and not tell him what he did wrong. This is his first year playing basketball and I probably should have started him playing earlier so that he could learn the basics. Basketball ends in March and baseball starts in April. Boy does he sure love baseball! I can't wait.