Monday, January 28, 2008

Playing in the Snow

It was a crazy weekend of weather. Saturday it was freezing rain and Sunday it snowed from 5 am until about 7:30 pm. We received more than 8 inches of snow. Monday school was canceled for Hayden and I and it would only be fitting if we went out and played in it. :-)

Ellie was the first one to trample in the untouched snow in the yard and Hayden was chasing her and fell.

Poor baby...... hahaha... it was cold!

Ellie loved making boot prints in the snow. That is pure joy in her face.

You can't play in the snow without making a snow angel. Do you see Ellie on the side. She sees Hayden is in a weak position and is going in for the kill with that snowball. hehehe

She can't do just one. She is going to take advantage of the situation.

This is to show the hard work that I did shoveling the whole driveway myself. Talk about a workout.

This is our snowman. Well, I should say it is mine since the kids didn't want to help... they just wanted to play.

I wanted a picture of Ellie and Hayden next to the snowman but Hayden already went inside and took his wet clothes off. So, I made Ellie stand next the snowman and she was not happy. What a mean mother I am. ;-)


. said...

lol how cute! i think our snow is taller than ellie!!

Anonymous said...

Good job on the driveway. I sure see you in Ellie. We know where she got that devilish streak from.
