Thursday, December 18, 2008

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

We have been having very cold and snowy weather lately. In the single digits most days. Hayden has loved it because school has had a two-hour delay every day this week with Wednesday being a early release... he was only in school 3 hours 20 minutes. Ha! Last night we received more snow. Here is a couple of pics that I took this morning about 6 am.


Hayden wanted to shovel snow and I wasn't about to fight him about it so I let him. Since today is trash day he had to make a path to get the trash can to the road.
Ellie is training for a government job so she was supervising. ;-)

Hayden wanted an action shot

Of course the diva had to have a picture of herself in her new coat and snowpants

We are suppose to get 1-2" more of the white stuff today. The kids are prepared for the snow and will thoroughly enjoy during the Winter break.

I think the snow will stick around for Christmas. Yiippee!

I hit a milestone this year... I am not terrified to drive in the snow... It only took 13 years living in Washington to get there. Ha!


Jared and Denelle Lind said...

Can you believe we've had maybe a 1/4 inch of snow total. Only 25 miles or so makes a huge difference!

Christie said...

i love it!! I want some snow here! Can you please send it this way?!

Unknown said...

i'm jealous. 27" here in podunkville. They haven't even shoveled our sidewalks!