I started off my day taking the TEAS (Test of Essential Academic Skills) test for my nursing application. It went pretty well. I received a 87.6% which puts me at 92 percentile national average but I know that I can get higher and will be taking it again on December 27th.
The nursing application it all about points. There are three different parts to the application with each part worth 10 points. For TEAS test portion you divide your score by 10; therefore, I have a 8.76 and with the nursing program when accepting applications they break your score down to the thousandths decimal point. Which means I have a lot of room for improvement. There were 3 out of 21 sections that I scored less then 80% and they were: Ratio and proportion (forgot some of my metric to english conversions), Data Interpretation (Jessica is going to bring her GRE book that has good examples I can study from), and Punctuation (My friend Heather has a book that will help me with that). I know I will do better the next time.
My afternoon was spent in mediation at the local dispute resolution center with my ex because there were things in our parenting plan that he didn't like. We had two mediators and the process took about 2 1/2 hours to hash things out and we both ended up compromising and meeting in the middle. The weird thing was when I telling the mediator at the end that since it is coming up on the 1 year anniversary of the finalization of divorce, it is getting easier to communicate the more time goes by. My ex started crying. His eyes were red and tears coming out of his eyes. I don't know what that was all about. The man has issues that he needs to get resolve before any of his future relationships can work. (I learned that in my class that I am taking. Resolve your baggage!) ;-)
Well, I need to go. Hayden is having Isiah spend the night tonight and need to get things ready.
Until next time...
Seven Months and Eight Months
10 years ago
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