Wednesday, December 5, 2007

O' Christmas Tree

This is the first year that I have put up a fake Christmas tree. I do enjoy the smell of the real one but with not having a truck or the money to get a real one, this is the next best option. Mom gave us her old Christmas tree last year because she had bought a new one. I made it a family event to put it up together and we had a blast.

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even Ellie was putting on the branches
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I gave Hayden the special task of putting the top of the tree on.
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Here is the tree before I fluffed out the branches
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Although a fake tree is not my first choice I do agree that it was more of a 'family' event putting the fake one together. I will be putting the lights on today and then we will have a decorating party on Friday. This year I am trying to make some family traditions that the kids and I will do every year.
I remember stringing popcorn and using it as garland for our Christmas tree when I was little and when my brother and I were older and living in S.C. I remember Dad reading the story of Jesus' birth from the bible. They are fond memories and I want my kids to have those kind of memories also.
What are some fond Christmas family traditions that you remember?


. said...

Wow you went on a blogging frenzy! Decorating the Christmas tree used to be fun when we were kids because it was the one day out of the year we'd order pizza! It was fun going through all the special ornaments, our first Christmas ones and all those that mom doesn't use anymore. Course the fun was always dampened by dad cussing up a storm dealing with the tree. lol.

I put mine up today! It's pretty and I would take a pic but my camera broke! Just a matter of time till Link knocks it over...

Anonymous said...

We used to drive around and look at the lights in different neighborhoods as a family and listen to Christmas music. In many places we have lived they would have a listing in the paper of the best lights in town.
Sounds like you all are having a lot of fun this Christmas!